SJRCC is a strategic analytics consulting company that uses data to uncover the hidden meaning behind marketing impact assessment. Just like you, we see the trends that (a) marketing conditions constantly change, (b) marketing campaigns that work at one time or in one region may not work in another, and (c) it is the combination of the offer, the tactic, the market topic and the regional culture that ultimately determines what marketing techniques work best.
We also know that anyone who claims to know what works in marketing has never been a marketer. The data is what level-sets any marketing claim. We are data analysts who understand marketing, and by looking at data in just the right way, you too can understand which of your campaigns are working in the market, and why.
Data will tell you everything you need to know about your operations. What is vital to remember is that not all data has the same value. Understanding where your data originates, what assumptions your data is carrying, how it is labeled and filtered, and how it is analyzed can mean the difference between making the right and wrong conclusion. We look at data from top to bottom, from where it is sourced, how it is labeled, how it should, or should not, be combined with data from other sources, and how it is tagged and stored. This begins our data journey.
We are passionate about looking for the hidden truth inside your operations data, and helping you uncover those truths so you can make more intelligent decisions. Your business is precious, as is every dollar you spend marketing it. Having impactful data analysis at your fingertips will ensure you are making every marketing investment dollar count.